Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas 2007

Our last quiet Christmas! Okay by us - we've had quiet for 11 years; we're ready for a change!

(Well, maybe not all of us are ready!!!)

We spent Christmas and New Year's with my parents and most of my family this year. We would have been in Florida with Jeremy's family for Christmas this year but we didn't feel it would be wise for me to fly being 7 months pregnant. So, our Christmas Day was very quiet with just my parents and Jeremy, Laddie and I (and baby Joel, of course - he made his presence known by kicks not squeals this Christmas!).

We were joined by my sister Christy, her husband Todd and their two children, Caytlin (11) and Zachary (9) and my brother Tommy, his wife Tracy and their three children, Hannah (10), Thomas (9), and Brittney (7) for New Year's weekend. We had a great time together!

(Thomas and Zach)
(Caytlin, Brittney, and Hannah)

We were also able to be at my Grandma Warne's Christmas this year. My grandma is 95! Doesn't look it, does she?! She's just as sweet and precious as ever. She is an inspiration and sweet blessing to me.

Another sweet blessing of this Christmas season was having my dear friend Phyllis Rice visit for a few days. She was my drama teacher at Maranatha and has become such a dear friend. Last summer she moved to WA and lives with her daughter Lydia and her husband and their new baby Lily Sophia. I was overjoyed that she was able to be here and see my "babybelly" in person. Joel let her feel some good hard kicks, too.

Hope all of you were able to enjoy a blessed holiday season and are rejoicing in the gift of another year to walk with the Lord! We are overflowing with eager anticipation of the joy this new year holds for us! In less than 9 weeks (give or take a few!) we will be holding our precious son!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I've been checking your blog hoping to see updated baby belly pics! Wow, your pregnancy is going fast (well, maybe not to you!). You look wonderful. We are excited to get the good news when Joel arrives!!

Beginning of Our Summer Ministry 2007

Beginning of Our Summer Ministry 2007
Mountain Avenue Baptist Church

Jeremy & Pastor Richard Szydlowski

Gethsemane Baptist Church

Gethsemane Baptist Church
Enjoying the gorgeous purple trees outside the church

Memorial Day Picnic

Memorial Day Picnic
Pastor Smith, John, & Ruby Degado

Serious Volleyballers!

Alisha & Mrs. Jill Smith (pastor's wife)