Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Seeing God at Work

Isn't it amazing when we get to see God at work? On Sunday, June 3, we had the privilege of seeing God work through our "Faithful and True" program – not just in the congregations' hearts but in ours as well. Both services were at churches we had been with last year – which was an extra special blessing for us. Our morning service was with Pastor Jason Filler at Central Oahu Bible Church, which meets in a Christian school (pictured above). We enjoyed visiting again with Pastor Filler and his wife Anna, their son Jason and new little guy, George.
Our evening service was with Pastor Wayne Surface at Ohana Baptist Church. Their current church building is a refurbished bowling alley. We were treated to pizza after the service with Pastor and Mrs. Surface, three of their five children and youth pastor Matt Finch, his wife Lanissa and son Austin.

Both churches are in "transitional" times – one praying about joining with another work in the area and the other in need of finding a new building in which to meet. Our hearts were encouraged to see God use the reminders of His faithfulness through the testimonies of Fanny Crosby, Thomas Chisholm (who wrote "Great is Thy Faithfulness") as well as our own from my illness. We know God places us in the churches at just the right time, but what a blessing when we actually get to see it!
Personally, I (Alisha) was able to see God at work in my heart during our services as well. My heart was stirred as I heard again the story of Fanny Crosby and her complete acceptance and total embracement of her blindness. I still have limitations due to my past health problems and at times I am not very content with these limitations. As I stood to give my testimony of God's faithfulness to me during my illness I found myself saying, "Who am I to share this testimony when at times I question God's current plan for my life?" As I began singing the words to "It will be worth it all when we see Christ" my heart was overwhelmed and I couldn't hold back the tears. NOT part of the program! All I could say was "I am human." And I believe that is just what God wanted me to say and for the people to see. Sometimes we need to remember it is God in the midst of us Who is mighty, not us. (Zephaniah 3:17) That He chooses to use us to proclaim His faithfulness and love is truly amazing. This is His work, and we are so grateful for the privilege to be a part of it.


Stephanie said...

This is wonderful. I am so glad that I can "keep up" with you finally. I know that this will continue to help me pray better as you both minister this summer. Praise the Lord that He can do great things through us - even though we are mere humans - we are created in His image!

Alisha said...

Thanks, Stephanie! You're always an encouragement. Thanks for praying for us!

Ruthy said...

Hey, Guys!! I was so glad to "find" you online! It looks like you are having another wonderful summer of ministry! Hallelujah! Alisha - are you keeping Jeremy in line? He's not climbing any national monuments or anything, is he? Just checking. Miss you guys.

Alisha said...

Ruthy, you know how Jeremy is! I just know he is in the Lord's hands! I will post some pictures from his recent hiking explorations. "Hike at your own risk!"

Beginning of Our Summer Ministry 2007

Beginning of Our Summer Ministry 2007
Mountain Avenue Baptist Church

Jeremy & Pastor Richard Szydlowski

Gethsemane Baptist Church

Gethsemane Baptist Church
Enjoying the gorgeous purple trees outside the church

Memorial Day Picnic

Memorial Day Picnic
Pastor Smith, John, & Ruby Degado

Serious Volleyballers!

Alisha & Mrs. Jill Smith (pastor's wife)